Sign up to help these wonderful familiesThank you for your interest in Cecily's Closet. You can help make the holidays brighter for these families. If you are interested in adopting a family, please email us at [email protected]. If you can't adopt an entire family and you would like to help, send us an email and we can provide you with a list of developmentally appropriate toys that we can share with the families that didn't get adopted.
The families below have ALL been adopted! Thank you! Single Mom with 22 month old son and 11 year old boy Needs: age appropriate toys that promote walking, Legos, musical toys, PJs 3T clothes, socks, shoes size 7, jacket, beanies, push/car or ride on toy, blankets, turkey or ham For 11 year old boy - shoes (size 5), underwear & socks (small/junior), skateboard, game boards (like monopoly, life, etc), skates/roller blades size 6, bike, one of those video controller games like Nintendo, DSXL, X box. Mom - slippers Single Mom with 3 children 20 month old girl, 4 year old boy and 11 year old boy Needs: Size 24 months clothes, size 4 shoes, doll that plays music, size 4T clothes, size 9 shoes, cars, educational books and size 10 clothes, size 2 shoes, legos, DS games (super Mario bros). Mom - gift card to Target or Walmart & holiday food Grandparents caring for children (mom deceased) 2 year old boy and 1 year old sister Needs: toy that includes snaps, buttons, shoe lace, zippers, a wagon, swing-set, sweats/warm clothes size 3T, toddler bed Family with 2 year old boy Needs: diapers (large #6), wipes, barney, elmo or mickey mouse dvds or toys, clothing size 3T and toys Mom - queen sheet set and bath towels Family with 2 children 2 year old boy would like easy to activate musical toys and swim diapers (for swim therapy) size Large. Older sister, 14, would like i-tunes and Amazon gift cards. Family with 3 children 6 month old boy (sleeper size 1 and sit to stand toy) 2 and a half year old girl (Dora and Boots dolls and stroller) 8 year old boy (Transformers Optimus Prime and Battle Ops Bumblebee.) Food for the holidays Family with 2 children 24 week premie who is now 20 months old, but still very small. Three year old brother. Any toys would be appreciated. Family with 4 children 28 month old girl, son in college, daugther in high-school and younger son, age 10 Needs: A variety of toys (must be able to be sanitized: no plush animals, dolls, etc.), books for 1-3 age range, and cleaning supplies. A mini-trampoline, water/sand play toy, and DVDs for the family as they spend most of their time at home. Family with 4 children 18 month old boy and 3 older sisters 10, 12 and 14 Family with 2 children Needs clothes size 4 T and large Lego's (duplo) and brother needs clothes 12 month size. Family needs food or gift card to a grocery store. Homeless Family with 3 children 8 year old boy (socks shoe size 5 and Shrek forever DVD) 7 year old boy (How to train your Dragon DVD, and socks size 2) 2 years 10 months (sleeper size 3T and toy musical cell phone) Family with 3 children (triplets two-year old girls) and expecting a fourth baby! Needs: Developmental toys, books, clothes, and food Family with 2 children 24 months and 3 years old (both special needs) Needs: developmental toys including Books, Bean Bags, Building Blocks or any other developmental toys |
Waiting to be Adopted!You did it! We were able to take care of ALL of the families that needed help.
Thank you to Cooley LLP, Girl Scout Troop 3016, Family and friends, there are many families and children that will have a love Christmas! We are still collecting gently used toys (and or new ones!) for other children that receive early interventional services! If you still wish to help, we will graciously accept your donations and ensure they are routed to families in need. We still need cribs! We have the bedding but gently used cribs or bassinets are very much needed! Thank you for your help! |
Cecily's Closet