Help is Available! You Just Need to Know Where to Look!

This page is dedicated to providing families the information about the wealth of programs, products and activities for children with special needs.
Mommy tips from Cecily's Closet
![]() We've create a few from the heart resources about the things we've learned along our journey. At the end of the day, there can never be too many kisses! Nurses Nook Siblings Corner Advocate Now taking Regional Center Early Intervention clients!
Alyssa Campolito MS CCC-SLP (858) 231-0727 I Love a Tubie![]() Check out I Love a Tubie! on Facebook and the I Love a Tubie web site! They started a feeding tube awareness and week and so much more! All the info you need on being a parent to a tubie using child!
Special Needs Playdate is a social outlet for families with special needs children. SNP believes advocating and educating plays a crucial role within the disabled community.
![]() The Mission of the Juan Carlos Organization is to provide a dance therapy exercise, Zumba®-inspired program for the Special Needs Community.
![]() ![]() Flourishing Families An important resources for families with Special Needs. Read it!
![]() The San Diego Undiagnosed Family Support Group brings together families of undiagnosed children to learn, share, and support each other amidst their long journey in search of a diagnosis. Learn more.
The North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) is a regional, collaborative special education local planning area whose purpose is to support local school districts as they provide for the needs of special education students.
![]() Conner's Cause for Children helps ease the financial burden for families who have children with life-threatening illnesses or injuries, regardless of specific diagnosis.
![]() Poway Valley Therapeutic Riding Center (PoVa) offers therapeutic horseback riding to children and adults with special needs. The lessons are led by the program’s Executive Director, Ingrid Mourey who is a certified NARHA Advanced Instructor and an army of trained professionals!
![]() Reach for the Stars Hot Air Balloon Foundation is a California non-profit corporation based in San Diego County and is recognized by the IRS as a federal 501c3 corporation. Their mission is to share the joy and excitement of hot air ballooning with all people, especially those with physical challenges.
San Diego Resources
Here is the skinny on the information we have found very helpful!
San Diego Autism Spectrum Guide - Rady Children's Hospital
Check out this excellent resource guide from the Austism Discovery Institute in San Diego. The guide was designed to assist and empower parents in their journey toward researching optimal services for their children with autism.
For updates, you can also contact us via email: [email protected]
Exceptional Family Resource Center
The Exceptional Family Resource Center is a community-based collaborative agency staffed by parents and professionals. It is designed to serve families of individuals with special needs. Services include parent support groups, access to local programs, parent training, referrals and more. They have a complete listing of sites that service families of special needs children.
San Diego Early Start Program
California Early Start is a federally funded program through Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The program is designed to ensure that eligible infants and toddlers and their families receive evaluation and assessment of their current functioning and coordinated services early enough to make a difference in development. Learn more about the services that are available for children. Contact your local San Diego Regional Center.
Each Regional Center in California has a separate, independent advocacy office to help families w/their Regional Center services. If you need help with your services, contact Wendy Dumao, Client Rights Advocate at 619.239.7787
United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County
This organization offers so many valuable programs for children with any type of disability. The organization's goal is to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people affected by cerebral palsy and other disabilities. I had the opportunity to meet with the program director and I was amazed at what they offer! You must take the time to visit their site. I've tried to capture the highlights to encourage you to read more!
Respitality - the "hospitality" of local hotels is combined with "respite" care to create "mini-vacations" for parents who have special needs! For more information call 858.571.7803 or email [email protected].
Toy Library - The UCP believes in the importance of play in a child's development. They offer a mobile toy library that travels around the county making designated stops at local churches, libraries and recreation centers. This program serves children from age 2-6 .Families can borrow toys for two weeks, return them and get new ones to try out! If you're interested in learning more, call 858.278.5420 or email [email protected].
San Diego Assistive Technology Center - This is really cool! They provide assistive technology resources to the community including equipment loans, open lab sessions for the public to explore and try out equipment, to full team assessment services, especially in the area of augmentative and alternative communication devices and computers. Learn more by going to Or you may call 858.278.5420 or email [email protected]!
Pete's Fund - Need equipment or something specific that insurance or Medical won't cover? You can apply for a cash grant to help fund specific expenses related to your child's disability. Through a simple application process, you could obtain help in the following areas: wheelchairs, walkers, diapers, specialized infant formulas, critical medications and more!
In addition to the specific programs listed above, the UCP of San Diego offers Support Groups for parents and siblings, adaptive aquatics for infants and children, and general help for navigating the tricky world of medical, insurance and advocating for your child. Check them out - you and your child will be so glad you did!
The Down Syndrome Association of San Diego
This non-profit organization serves 1000 families and professionals in San Diego County. Established in 1978 by families with a need for a support and resource network, they assist parents with unique education, healthcare and
social issues.
San Diego Down
San Diego Down Syndrome is all about kids and education. They want to tell the world about these heros that, despite their challenges, excell in school, the work place & are an inspiration to all.
COMPASS Family Center
The COMPASS Family Center is a San Diego non-profit organization that provides family-centered supports for
those caring for a child or adult with special needs. COMPASS focuses on S.T. A. R. Services, Training, Advocacy and Research.
Rady Children's Hospital San Diego
Rady Children's has nearly 700 physicians and more than 1,000 nurses on staff, nearly 3,000 employees, 450 active volunteers, and more than 1,200 Auxiliary members . Check out their site to learn more about
their services, speciality contacts, and health education information.
Children's Care Connection (C3 Program)
Children's Hospital offers FREE developmental screening (for children 18 months to 3 years) and numerous FREE
parenting classes (topics for children 0-5 years of age).
Children's Hospital offers FREE developmental screening (for children 18 months to 3 years) and numerous FREE parenting classes (topics for children 0-5 years of age). Classes are offered at 3 sites: Solana Beach, San Marcos
and Oceanside. Check out their website to learn about their services and to learn more about normal development patterns in children. Call (877) 8C3-KIDS for more information. Or check out their online schedule &
Rady Children’s Developmental Evaluation Clinic (DEC) offers developmental evaluation services for infants, preschoolers and school-age children. These services include:
- Identifying developmental, learning and social delays
- Determining the significance of delays and behavior problems
- Determining the need for further assessment/intervention
- Recommending participation in educational or therapeutic programs
- Linking children and families to needed services
- Providing comprehensive reports to parents and providers
- Linking children and families to needed services
- Recommending participation in educational or therapeutic programs
- Determining the need for further assessment/intervention
- Determining the significance of delays and behavior problems
Need Medical Supplies?Check these sites first! Our therapists have recommended these sites and we've used several of them.
eBay Yes, eBay. You can find deals from families selling their unused goods, and often times you can buy items in bulk! We've purchased everything from Duocal to therapy equipment on eBay. Adaptive Mall offers the best selection of adaptive equipment for children with special needs. Their products range from special needs strollers to special needs car seats to adaptive toys. At, you’ll find a variety of solutions for your child's adaptive equipment needs. Beyond Play Beyond Play focuses on young children with special needs. Their goal is to bring you a great selection of products that are all appropriate for Early Intervention. Their catalog and web site is designed for professionals of all disciplines, as well as for parents and caregivers. Special Education ResourcesHope Infant Program
The HOPE Infant Family Support Program is a public special education program that offers services to infants and toddlers with special needs and their families. Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI) Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI) is a collection of Internet accessible information resources of interest to those involved in the fields related to Special Education. This collection exists in order to make on-line Special Education resources more easily and readily available in one location. This site will continually modify, update, and add additional informative links. Together We Grow This child development and education program offers medically fragile children a place to grow and thrive through infant and pre-school programs. Licensed through the Department of Health Services for Pediatric Day Health and Weekend Care. For more information call 858.751.0506 for San Diego and 760.757.6031 for Oceanside. Sunny Days Sunny Days Early Childhood Developmental Services is an Early Intervention Provider serving children from birth to three years with developmental needs. Services are provided in natural environments that include family homes, child care settings and other community locations. Kids Included Together (KIT) Kids included Together (KIT) is a non-profit organization specializing in providing best practices training for community-based youth organizations committed to including children with disabilities into their existing recreational, social and child care programs. KIT was founded on a promise to increase opportunities for children with and without disabilities to access recreational, child development and youth development programs. Recognizing the tremendous need in the community, KIT established the National Training Center on Inclusion (NTCI). Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK) is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to enable individuals with disabilities to reach their maximum potential by providing them, their families and the professionals who serve them with training, support, information, resources and referrals, and by providing community awareness programs. Initially, the primary focus was on children three to 21 years of age, but services evolved to include all ages, especially in the TASK Technology Center. The Institute for Effective Education (TIEE) (TIEE) is a California non-profit corporation in good standing. Incorporated for the purpose of providing education and other services to individuals with unique learning needs, TIEE operates four schools and several camps, provides extensive professional training, and conducts research on teaching methods, all in keeping with their Mission. |
Need to Find Deals?Kiddie Pool Equipment Funding
This is a really cool program! We have not used it but I can't imagine this not being a wonderful too for families in need! It works like a fundraiser! You join the program and it builds a web site that speaks about your child and his or her needs. The goal is raise money in the form of gift certificates that can later be used to purchase special needs equipment for your child through credits Adaptive Mall. Baby Cheapskate You won't find deals on therapy or feeding supplies, but this is a great site for all things baby! From diapers to strollers, clothes to toys! Check this site before buying baby gear!
Home of Guiding Hands
Home of Guiding Hands believes every child deserves a meaningful life of love, laughter, learning, dreams and friendship regardless of ability. They provide age appropriate educational services and therapeutic interventions using evidence-based practices. Services are based upon the needs of children 0-3, who have been found eligible for the CA Early Start Program. Center for Autism Research, Evaluation & Service (CARES) CARES is a diagnostic classroom for children in the early elementary school years. It is designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a child's academic and behavioral needs. Parents Active For Vision Education (P.A.V.E.) P.A.V.E. is a non-profit resource and support organization whose mission is to raise awareness of the crucial relationship between vision and achievement. Kids on the Block of San Diego (KOBS) Provides educational puppet programs which enlighten all children on issues of disability awareness, medical and educational differences and social concerns. KOBS serves all elementary schools in San Diego city and county. The Music Therapy Center of CA The Music Therapy Center of CA promotes, empowers and serves families, professionals and children with special needs utilizing music therapy strategies. Hair Salons for children with special needstHAIRapy Hair Salon - "for exceptional clientele"
tHAIRapy Hair Salon is a family salon specializing in and catering to our clientele with Autism and Special Needs. They have a sensory wall, wheelchair accessible shampoo bowl & station, and a specially trained therapy dog! |
Government Resources
New Government Healthcare site
Learn how the new legislation will impact you. Explore your coverage options and find out what public and private insurance plans, programs and community services are available for you!
Learn the steps involved in applying for disability benefits for children. An application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and a Child Disability Report are required. The Child Disability Starter Kit answers questions about applying for SSI for children and includes a worksheet that can help you gather the information you need to apply. For more information visit
California Children Services
California Children Services (CCS) is a countywide program that treats children with certain physical limitations and chronic health conditions or diseases. CCS authorizes and pays for specific medical services and equipment provided by CCS approved specialists and has a Medical Therapy Program. For more information visit here.
Find out if you qualify for Medical! The information provided here will assist an individual in finding out if he/she qualifies as a Medi-Cal beneficiary, how to enroll and learn about available programs for children with special medical conditions and seniors needing personal care. In addition, individuals may access general health information and resources unrelated to Medi-Cal.
Department of Managed Health Care
If you need help advocating for your child, seeking a second opinion, or ensuring you're getting what you deserve from your doctor and or your insurance provider, call the Department of Managed Health Care at 1-888-466-2219.
NECTAC is the national early childhood technical assistance center supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. NECTAC serves all 50 states and 10 jurisdictions with an array of services and supports to improve service systems and outcomes for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children with special needs and their families. Each state's Part C and Section 619 Program Coordinators have a contact person at NECTAC and request TA on behalf of their state programs. Funded since 2001, NECTAC and its predecessor TA projects have a foundation of over thirty-five years of technical assistance excellence in early childhood services.
Learn how the new legislation will impact you. Explore your coverage options and find out what public and private insurance plans, programs and community services are available for you!
Learn the steps involved in applying for disability benefits for children. An application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and a Child Disability Report are required. The Child Disability Starter Kit answers questions about applying for SSI for children and includes a worksheet that can help you gather the information you need to apply. For more information visit
California Children Services
California Children Services (CCS) is a countywide program that treats children with certain physical limitations and chronic health conditions or diseases. CCS authorizes and pays for specific medical services and equipment provided by CCS approved specialists and has a Medical Therapy Program. For more information visit here.
Find out if you qualify for Medical! The information provided here will assist an individual in finding out if he/she qualifies as a Medi-Cal beneficiary, how to enroll and learn about available programs for children with special medical conditions and seniors needing personal care. In addition, individuals may access general health information and resources unrelated to Medi-Cal.
Department of Managed Health Care
If you need help advocating for your child, seeking a second opinion, or ensuring you're getting what you deserve from your doctor and or your insurance provider, call the Department of Managed Health Care at 1-888-466-2219.
NECTAC is the national early childhood technical assistance center supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. NECTAC serves all 50 states and 10 jurisdictions with an array of services and supports to improve service systems and outcomes for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children with special needs and their families. Each state's Part C and Section 619 Program Coordinators have a contact person at NECTAC and request TA on behalf of their state programs. Funded since 2001, NECTAC and its predecessor TA projects have a foundation of over thirty-five years of technical assistance excellence in early childhood services.
Sports Resources
REINS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Therapeutic Riding Program located in Fallbrook, California. At REINS, children and adults with disabilities learn how to ride horses. This is an intense form of therapy that benefits a wide range of abilities. Their current enrollment is nearly 200 weekly students who come from all over the counties of Orange, Riverside and San Diego.
Poway Valley Therapeutic Riding Center (PoVa) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit (status pending) organization offering therapeutic horseback riding to children and adults with special needs. The lessons are led by the program’s Executive Director, Ingrid Mourey who is a certified NARHA Advanced Instructor. She is working with Program Director Kathy Guiney, also a life-long equestrian and a California Credentialed Teacher with experience in special education.
PoVa Therapeutic riding strengthens the bodies, minds, and spirits of individuals with disabilities. Our lessons are designed to focus on our riders’ abilities rather than their limitations. Whether the disability is acquired or congenital, most anyone (with doctor’s clearance) of any age (no matter if they are 2 or 82) can ride. Check out thier site!
Special Olympics
Special Olympics is a year-round worldwide program of sports training and athletic competition for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Through positive, successful experiences in sports, the athletes gain confidence and self-mastery--building a self-image of success rather than failure, carrying over into the classroom, home and workplace. Over 1,400 athletes are involved with the local Special Olympics program in San Diego County and over 2.5 million throughout the world.
Challenged Athletes Foundation
It is the mission of the Challenged Athletes Foundation to provide opportunities and support to people with physical disabilities so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics. The Challenged Athletes Foundation believes that involvement in sports at any level increases self-esteem, encourages independence and enhances quality of life. Grants are awarded for a wide range of physical challenges, across the entire spectrum of sport. CAF does not discriminate by age, disability, sport or level of ability. The hundreds of athletes assisted by CAF range from world class athletes competing on an international level to those who are recently disabled and are intent on becoming more active.
Miracle League
Miracle League is a charitable organization that provides children with mental or physical challenges an opportunity to play baseball as a team member in an organized league. In a unique public/non-profit partnership with the County of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department, and with the support of the San Diego Padres, this is the first ADA accessible ball field of its kind in Southern California. All games are played at the Miracle Field, a Little Padres Park, at San Dieguito County Park.
Sports for Exceptional Athletes
Sports for Exceptional Athletes creates enhanced opportunities to interact and form lasting friendships through shared sports and recreational activities. Athletes with developmental disabilities, families, friends, coaches, and volunteers are invited to play in the Greater San Diego Sports Festival.
Dance & Company
Dance & Company provides an opportunity for students of all levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced to receive not only a good foundation in dance training and practice, but also the fundamentals and education in the art of dance and dance history. Classes are offered for children and adults of all ages in an accessible and affordable venue in San Diego . Classes are taught by experienced and credentialed instructors offering progressive teaching methods. Please check out these fun and encouraging classes.
More San Diego Resources
Big Animals for Little Kids
Big Animals for Little Kids is an all-volunteer organization here in San Diego. Our purpose is to bring joy into the lives of children, especially children facing health, emotional or socio-economic challenges. Wearing our Big Animals costumes, we regularly visit children in hospitals, homeless shelters and foster care facilities. Click here to learn more.
My Child Without Limits
My Child Without Limits looks to provide you, your loved one’s best advocate, with the knowledge, resources, and network to ensure their future is without limits. While this site can be used by many people in many different ways, the site is divided into four sections: Understand, Plan and Act, Community and access to local Resources. If you are feeling overwhelmed with information and are feeling alone, check out this site. It takes a step by step approach to helping you understand what disability your child may have and helps you take the necessary steps to ensure you give your child the best start possible. Click here to learn more.
Come Unity
The Children's Disability List of Lists provides an annotated list of Support Groups for families of children with disabilities and special needs. Each disability mailing and support group list is validated for usefulness and family orientation. This site has so much great information! Check out their book review section. This can be very helpful for extended family members who may be having a harder time adapting to change.
Special Needs Trust Foundation
A non-profit service developed to assist families establish special needs trusts for their loved ones with disabilities. Formed in 1989, the San Diego Special Needs Trust Foundation created a master trust to provide private support to persons with disabilities without jeopardizing their public support. Special needs are those things for which you or your family members are not entitled to receive government assistance. Through a Special Needs Trust, individuals or family members may leave assets to benefit themselves or their loved ones in a manner that is compatible with the continuation of public assistance.
Ronald McDonald Family Care Center
No one wants to spend time in the hospital. But Ronald McDonald house makes your stay a little easier. Ronald McDonald House, provides a home-away-from-home and more for families with seriously ill children in treatment at area hospitals. Seven days a week, 365 days a year, they provide lodging to family members of sick children who otherwise might sleep in hospital waiting rooms, in their car or drive long distances home and back. They also provide a Family Care Center for use during the day for anyone with a child in the hospital.
The International Bipolar Foundation
International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), formerly known as California Bipolar Foundation, was founded in June 2007 in San Diego, California by four parents with children affected by bipolar disorder. Well aware of the trauma that bipolar disorder causes for consumers and their families, these parents felt compelled to do something constructive to help. - See more at:
Girl Scout Troop 3400 - Beautiful girls with different abilities
A group of Moms formed a Girl Scout Troop for girls with special needs. If anyone is interested in joining the group, they are serving the San Diego area in zip codes 92114 0 92139. For more information, contact the Troop Leader Paola at 619.475.1432 or email [email protected].
Valeries List
Started over 10 years ago by a parent, the e-newsletters provide news and resources to over 1900 individuals in Southern California who are invovled in the Austism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) community. The e-newsletters contain information about articles, events, non-profit activities, parent inquiries, programs offered by professionals and private schools, research, support groups, and other items of interest.
We Connect Now
Our Mission – We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues. Learn more.
TalkSense offers a number of independent specialist services including: assessment, consultation services, supply cover, support, tuition, training and advice for indvidual Learners and their families, schools and colleges, Education Authorities and businesses. To request further information or to book any of the services offered please contact Tony Jones at TalkSense.
National Resources - outside of San Diego
Girl Power 2 Cure
Girl Power 2 Cure, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for treatments and a cure for Rett Syndrome, a devastating neurological disorder that almost exclusively affects girls. They are committed to making Rett Syndrome the first reversible neurological disorder by harnessing the spirit of girls to support fellow girls who are suffering. They support girls in the planning and implementation of events that raise awareness and funds for Rett Syndrome research, as well as support Rett families with resources, fundraising help and awareness tools.
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Cerebral Palsy Guide is a national support organization committed to providing the most up-to-date information regarding cerebral palsy treatment, therapy, education options and more. It is their mission to advocate on the behalf of individuals affected by this movement disorder.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
Cerebral Palsy Guidance was created to provide answers and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy. Our goal is to reach as many members of the cerebral palsy community as possible, building up a network of support, as well as providing necessary assistance.
Disabled, a resource dedicated to accessible travel information.
This new site will provide you with information on businesses from around the
world that specialize in disability travel. A comprehensive listing of accessible travel specialists: Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Adventure Travel Companies, Accessible Cruise Specialists, Accessible Van Rentals & Equipment, Travel Companions, Home Exchanges, and Access Guides for wheelchair users and other disabled travelers.
Airports and Special Needs - A Travel Guide
Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide
Autism Resources
National Center for Autism Resources & Education Autism Educational Materials
AutismNOW Transition Planning
Aquatic Therapy for Children with Autism
Guide to Flying with an Autistic Child
Autism Speaks Resources Guide
Career Assistance For People with Autism
Autism Parenting Magazine
Wristband Express
ADHD Resources
ADHD Resources for Teachers
Parents Guide to Understanding and Coping with ADHD
ADHD and the Military
Additional Resources
Classroom Accommodations
Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping