Today Cecily ate a whopping 1450 calories... all by mouth! What? Amazing!
How did she do it?
Lots of love from Grammy, Grandpa, Clarissa, and team! Go Cecily Go!
What did she eat? EVERYTHING! Banana, pineapple, fresh oranges, yougurt, her go to guacamole, lemonade, nutritional supplements (16 oz of milk!), plus lots of bites of so many things.
What's even better?
The conversations she shared with us.
Mommy: What would you like Cecily?
Sweet C: Cookies
Mommy: What kind?
Sweet C: Lemon, Lemon!
Mommmy: Bringing her 2 boxes. Which one?
Sweet C: Lemon, that one!
Mommy: How many?
Sweet C: Two! Two!
Mommy: Would you like something to drink?
Sweet C: Lemondade
Mommy: In a cup or with a straw?
Sweet C: A cup
Mommy: What color is the cup?
Sweet C & Mommy - Yellow!
Sweet C gets up and wants a different cup. Grabs it and brings it back.
Mommy: Oh, ok. you want this cup?
Sweet C: Yep.
Mommy: Ok you do it. Pour it from this cup to that cup.
Sweet C (with very limited help) pours the cup with no spills and drinks her lemonade!
Why is this so special? This is the longest dialouge we have ever had with Cecily. The answers were clear. fast. and verbal! She knew what she wanted, she asked for it and she was in control.
Noah was at a sleep-over so we decided to have a show which is a rare treat for Cecily and Cason. The two anges hopped onto the couch for cuddles and Cecily chose the show - Pet Shop - with her words.
It was the best. night. ever.
We are so proud of how far she has come and where she is going. We see her progress and we relish and enjoy and celebrate. Her food journals are looking so solid right now... and we just have to smile. She is interested in food and she is learning to use her words. Her voice is a gift and I can't wait to hear more.
Tomorrow may or may not bring equal success but we have seen what she is capable of and we know she will get there.
Onwards and upwards!