The other day one of his friends was trying to figure out where he ranked on the Noah friend ladder... He was suggesting that Noah like friend A better than friend B. I eagerly strained my Mommy ears to hear the chatter in the back of the van. I smiled from ear to ear when Noah responded, "I like all my friends the same!"
And this is Noah. He is always quick to let his friends go first. He is always there to make sure no one is being mean. He defends his sister like a Mama Bear and he knows how to make us laugh on demand. This weekend - like every weekend - we celebrated the sweet life of Noah. It started with an early morning soccer game and was quickly followed by a trip to the skate park with his friends and then a fun day at the Kids Expo with his family that ended with video games and pizza at Oggis... and movie night with dessert! Yes, the sweet life of Noah! Sunday he was right back at it... heading back for Day 2 at the Kids Expo with his adorable little buddy before being swooped off to the skate park and then to the beach for a late afternoon/early evening surf session with the family.
I was VERY excited today because he wanted Mommy to paddle out with him! I was going to actually do it (it would mark the first time in almost 8 years that I've dusted off my board...) but he let me off the hook with a pinky swear that I would do it next weekend. I was just laughing to myself about how happy he made me by just wanting me to go in the water! I am so not cool and I'm not a good surfer... but I will be getting the board out because if my little guy wants to surf with me then I will do it!
Cason and Cecily were sitting in the stroller chanting Noah - Noah - Noah! They just adore their big brother so I guess we can say we all had a Noah-love fest. And the timing was perfect because next week Cecily heads off for yet another surgery and there won't be as much fun! We have learned to make the msot of it when we can.
Today Noah caught his best waves yet. With every session he is getting stronger and more stable. Daddy is so very proud! I could see his two hands thumping the sky when Noah caught his last wave and popped up into standing position and rode it almost all the way to shore! The Woot Woots were loud and we all headed home. It was a great weekend and a good reminder that it's good to get sandy every now and then.... the laundry, dishes, bills, GTM plans, and grants can wait... we had a lovely family weekend!
Onwards and upwards!