How can you help?
Adopt a family or help contribute to a gift basket! We're accepting donations of gift cards (Walmart, Target, Vons, Toys R Us), toys, clothes, books, and Christmas items. If you can help, or wish to sponsor a family, please email us at [email protected]. The first five nominations are listed below. A more detailed wish list can be provided upon request.
Sponsor a Family
1) A lovely little two-year old girl with Down Syndrome and her older sister, age 10. We are looking for some toys and books at a developmental level of 18 months to age 2, clothing and shoes. Her sister could use paints and paper, craft kits, books, backpack, pencils, marker and clothing. Gift cards for food are very much appreciated.
2) A special little guy with Down Syndrome who is 2 ½ years old and has twin sisters age 12 plus a 13 year old sister. Their wish list includes toys, clothing and books. Sizes can be provided upon request.
3) A two-year old little boy with significant developmental delays and his older brothe, 4, who received early intervention services. Their wish list includes toys, clothing and food.
4) Two brothers, 3 and 5, who live with their Mom in a very small trailer. Their needs include toys, clothing and shoes.
5) A sweet 26 month little girl who has many medical issues causing significant delays in her development. She is now able to walk and would like the experience of riding a trike or other type of push car and is in need of clothing, diapers, and bath toys. Her brotherd, ages 6 and 7 wish for board games, dvds and some new clothing. This family could use a gift card for food, too.
Together we can make a difference!
Onwards and upwards!