We adore everything about this school from the staff, to the teacher, to the aides and Cecily's dedicated nurse! The campus is beautiful and the ratio of students to helpers couldn't be better! Cecily crawled and explored the class and before I left I watched her pull up on the little table and get right in the mix with her new friends. She didn't cry... and I am proud to say that I didn't either... but I was so very nervous you would have thought she was going to college! We arrived with so much stuff... gate trainer, cubby box, bag, jackets, medical supplies, extra everything and I had to laugh as we piled out of the car... Noah, Cason, Cecily, me, the nurse and the nursing supervisor. Yes... Cecily travels with her own entourage...
I was so nervous about this transition and I sat up many nights trying to decide if she was ready and how she would adapt to all the changes in her life: new school, new baby, potentially a new nurse and new medications. I always have to laugh at myself because I know that I'm over-analzying and being obsessive but I just can't seem to help it. I am a mama bear and I just want the very best for all 3 of my little angels. Noah was so excited that his sister had to go to school and he got to spend the day with Mommy and Cason. He was happy as a clam because he felt she was working very hard and we were having a "fun" day...
As for that "fun day"... it included a trip to Rady's but not for Cecily, sadly for Cason. We spent the last night in the ER after a very rough day. I won't go into details but we're hoping this is just a very bad case of reflux and that in a few weeks we'll be laughing off the stress. (Right now I am not laughing and I have to admit I saw visions of Cecily's early days dancing in my mind and I felt helpless as they pinned him on the table for EKGs, chest and abdomen x-rays and the follow-on ultrasounds today.) Luckily the day ended on an up note... Cason does not have what they feared he might and we'll just be watching our little bug very closely to ensure he keeps on track and his current pain diminishes. I firmly believe in my hear that Cason is going to be just fine. It was just an unexpected surprise and yet another realization to be grateful for the good bits of every day because you never know when things may change.
The house is quiet right now... all I can hear are the keystrokes from Brien (in his new and updated man-cave... and my own yawns.) Time for bed... before soemone wakes up!
Onwards and upwards!