He is such a good big brother. He gets very proud and excited when Cason makes an appearance at his pre-school. He is so happy with having another boy in the family and he is quick to point out that Daddy's new, updated man cave is for boys ONLY. I can only enter when I'm carrying Cason... LOL... or and I quote, "when I'm going to do the laundry..." This kiddo is too much! He will be doing his own laundry soon if he keeps making Daddy-like wise cracks...

We have lots of exciting things coming up with the kiddos! Next week Cecily starts school! I can hardly believe my little princess will be headed out the door to school. I will be driving her with her new nurse to school and I am pretty sure I wil have more butterflies than she will. I am excited but very nervous about the transition and I am just keeping my optimistic spirit that all will go just fine. So many things have happened lately and I feel so strongly that they all happened for a reason. I'm trying to just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Today we completed our 22nd makeover... and I sat back and didn't do a single thing! I feel guilty about it but I know that this time is extremely special so I'm smothering my family and enjoying the time with the kids while I'm work free and at home. I love waking up and having the time at home to enjoy the kids without feeling the pressure to get dressed for work and get everyone out the door. (We still have plenty of appointments to go to but things feel slower in an odd way!)
This week Noah learned a few lessons about "bad" people stealing purses and that he should not help an adult stranger who enlists his help. What did he take from this experience of seeing a woman have her purse stolen? He declared if this happened to us that he would..."give Cecily some money and she would get him!" LOL... he has a lot of faith in his baby sister and so do we. Let's just show she does not try and take down any kids on the playground next week.
And so it goes... another wonderful week in the Ackerly house. We finally completed our home improvement projects and I am happy to say goodbye to the construction and hello to some peace and quiet. Wish me luck... one thing is for sure our house is not quiet...
Onwards and upwards!