The United Healthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) is a non-pro"t charity dedicated to enhancing the quality of children’s lives. Thanks to the generous contributions of many donors, UHCCF has been able to touch the lives of thousands of children and their families through much needed medical grants.
Since being founded in 1999, UHCCF has granted over $15M to over 5,000 families across the country. Grants have helped pay for necessary medical services and medical equipment such as physical therapy, surgery,
chemotherapy, and medical equipment such as orthotics, wheelchairs and hearing aids for children.
To learn more about UHCCF, other grant recipients, or to apply for a grant, we invite you to visit their website at
UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation
P.O. Box 41
Minneapolis MN 55440-0041
1-855-MY-UHCCF (1-855-698-4223)
Onwards & upwards!

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