They talked about the Courage Tool, The Garbage Can Tool and the Breathing Tool.
I can't do this justice so I'll refer you to the blog they found that talked about these 3 essential school supplies that aren't on our typical back to school purchase list at Target.
The hit this topic home with the kids they asked each child what courage meant to them. I just love Noah's answer: Courage is trying something new! He is such a shy and caring child - and it takes him longer to warm up and get into the mix with new children. He has made great strides socially but it is always a transition at the start of anything new: school, soccer team, play dates with new friends, etc. etc. I am so proud of him for staring first grade and his willingness to try new things and to explore his world in new ways. I know the Cardiff School is the perfect place for my little grommet and I look forward to watching him shine all year long!
Onwards & upwards!