Noah was skating in the backyard and I was sharing with Cecily's new nurse that Cecily loves to bike. Noah being a doting big brother said, "I'll go get her bike. I'll go get it!"
Hearing Noah shouting about the bike perked up little Cecily's ears and baby Cason's ears. The race was on... Cecily came close to a run to get to the bike but Cason, not to be outdone by his big sis, was closer. Noah unloaded the bike from the shed and Cason hopped on before Cecily had a chance.
Cecily came right over and said, "Get off. Get off. Get off." She also used a few arms... (not so proud of that!)
Cason looked at his sweet, angelic sister and didn't know what to do. She was not messing around!
Round 1 to Cecily!
There are so many stories like this lately where Cecily chooses to speak when she finds it necessary and appropriate for her. (She is her Daddy). There are days when the words are far and few between but then she blows us away. Today was one of those days... She said her colors, she asked for more books, she went and found a specific book from the shelf after being given the title AND she is accurately responding and identifying objects on demand. In fact, she is responding with such speed to our requests that we just keep raising the bar almost every day! Today she said, "I want xxx" and she is pronouncing words more fully as opposed to just getting the start of the first few words.
We are so lucky to have TEAM CECILY supporting us at every turn. We celebrate the victories and we look forward to even more great success! Go Cecily! - and watch out Noah and Cason... because here she comes!
Onwards and upwards!