childhood - but provided me with the confidence to walk through them. She was and is always there for me, holding my hand, pushing me forward and holding me steady when life gets challenging. As a Mother to three, I am so grateful to have her love and guidance to help me and Brien raise our children. It is a blessing that we don't take for granted. I can't imagine how much better off the world would be if every child was gifted a Mom like mine. (And my Dad is pretty cool, too!)
On Mother's Day I'm also reminded again of just how lucky I am. I am so grateful and blessed to have not one but three beautiful children who make my life so full, busy and wonderful. I always thought that when I was a Mom I'd have "stuff figured out..." but I don't! I continually make mistakes, second-guess decisions, and utilize the bribe, guilt, threat (triple threat) parenting method when things don't go my way! (And for the record by threat - I mean... "No dessert" or "no play-date!") I want to be the very best Mom I can be. I worry that I'm not doing enough - or at times that I'm perhaps doing too much. I worry that I've set the bar too high - or perhaps I've not pushed hard enough. But the one thing I do know with 100% certainty is this: I love my kids more than anything in the entire world. And I'm pretty sure that 100 kisses a day, lots of love, smiles, the ability to listen, the ability to say I'm sorry and always providing a shoulder to cry on will keep us moving forward one day at a time as a family.
I absolutely adore being Mom to funny Noah, sweet Cecily and joyful Cason. I can't imagine my life without these three amazing bundles of love, energy and happiness. Each day with these precious angels is a gift. My children teach me every day about what is important in life. They each face the world in a unique way and it is their differences that make them so very special. There can be no better gift that seeing the children play together. I have so much more to learn but I have the three best teachers helping me along every day.
Happy Mother's Day
Onwards and upwards!