Thanks to a tag-team effort from Grammy and Grumpy Gramps & Auntie Neeta and Uncle Keith - we were able to sneak away for the first time in a very, very long time. It was magical. It was restful. And it was admittedly too short! Did I miss my angels? Of course. Did I worry and likely call too many times to check in... Yep! But did we get to sleep (uninterrupted sleep!) and eat adult food and have time to read and watch movies AND have the pleasure of not having to worry about all the "stuff" on a Mom and Dad's to-do list? Definitely! Thank you family for always supporting us and making sure we get the help we need. We may not like to ask for it - or take it - but knowing we have it is such a blessing.
I know that there are so many people just like us that need a break but have no way to get away. It is very hard to find good help and even harder to afford it! Did you know that there is such help here in SD that lets Moms and Dads sneak away? UCP offers an amazing program that enables parents of children with special needs to take a fabulous, stay-vacation in a fancy, local San Diego hotel. Respitality - the "hospitality" of local hotels is combined with "respite" care to create "mini-vacations" for parents who have special needs! For more information call 858.571.7803 or email [email protected].
Please spread this information to families that may need a well-deserved break!
And when we returned from our lovely trip to the desert we found Cecily hard at work... in her new dream kitchen courtesy of Santa and Grumpy Gramps. This kichen was bought practically upon her birth (can we say eager beaver???) but she is finally ready to make tea and play with it! Thank you Mom and Dad for the hours it took to build it! That was a gift in itself...
Tea anyone? Onwards and upwards!