And... my affection for her and her progress is not limited to just me! Team Cecily is equally excited so with permission I'm sharing a story from Cecily's school as written by her devoted nurse.
"I just had to share a moment in Cecily's day today. She was outside at recess and I was putting her on her bike and a group of typical kids rallied
around her and said, "Why can't Cecily talk?" I said, "Oh, Cecily can talk, she just doesn't talk as much as you do yet. But she has a very special way of
talking when she doesn't use her mouth to talk. She knows sign language, she
talks with her hands. And she can say lots of words, too, can't you, Cecily?"
Cecily looked up at those kids and said, "Ball", like hey wait a minute, I'll
show you who can talk! It was so cute and she had the sassiest little expression on her face when she blurted out that wonderful word "Ball"! Sometimes I wish I had a video camera to capture some of these special moments. The whole crew of kids took turns helping me pull Cecily's bike as she pedaled around the track. It was the cutest thing ever!
Cecily had a great day at school today. Marina put on the play time signing time video and she had a peer from the typical class sit next to Cecily while Marina practiced sign language with them. It was so sweet. Cecily is something else. She is like a sponge!"
I love when others can see what we're seeing. For so long I felt like I could see Cecily turning the corner but she wasn't sharing her newfound skills with anyone other than me. It can kinda make you feel like you're imagining the progress but I knew deep down when she was ready she would shine! Well she is shining like a bright light and I'm going to bang the drum all day... She's back in the saddle after a very yucky bug took her down. I can only imagine what is ahead now that she is feeling better!
Onwards & upwards!