When Brien and I decided to found Cecily's Closet we had a vision, a passion and a mission... but we never expected in our wildest dreams for us to have the success we are having in our own community while the organization is so young. This check will enable us to continue our Sweet Dream Room Makeover program, our durable medical recycling, and of course, our belly bands that have wrapped so many children with love here in our own backyard!
We never could have done this without the support of our community - and organizations like UPS. (And as a reminder UPS reached out to us in the first place). The wonderful women in the photo are 2 of our biggest supporters. Julie (on my right) was the one who first reached out to Cecily's Closet to see how UPS and their Women's group could get involved as volunteers. Monica (on my left) was the one who selected Cecily's Closet to receive the 10K! Ten UPS employees were randomly selected to receive a cash contribution to the non-profit agency where they volunteered. Both women have been very involved with our organization from helping us do a room makeover for a lovely little girl in the fall - to helping us host our first big fundraiser last year at Pelly's Mini-golf!
We are so grateful to UPS and the wonderful women who comprise the Women's Business Resource Group. It is amazing to be part of such a lovely group of talented, smart, sophisticated, generous and giving women! We are honored. We are excited! And we promise to make you proud by continuing to provide services for children with special needs right here in San Diego.
I feel words are not enough to express our gratitude. It is just such a blessing to receive this honor and these needed funds to ensure our programs can continue to run! THANK YOU!
Onwards & Upwards!