Today as Cecily rode around the ring I found myself wiping tears of joy from my face. I was so grateful for my extra big shades to hide this Mommy moment. She LOVES to ride and she LOVES the horses and the instructors and volunteers. She makes horsie sounds as we drive down Creek Road into the ranch and she bounces and kicks her feet with joy in anticipation. On the horse she rarely smiles but it is because she is all business...working hard to listen to her instructors and to soak up the beautiful trails, birds, and trees. It is a joy to see her ride every week! To think in one year she went from not being able to sit up on the horse to being able to ride like a big girl is unbelievable! We credit PoVa with so much... the list is endless! Riding has given Cecily an activity that she actually enjoys doing AND it has a lot of benefits to improve her growth and development, too. In addition to the glorious gift of finding something Cecily love and looks forward to - PoVa has helped Cecily's muscles grow stronger, has provided her with better trunk control, balance, independence, and confidence. Go Cecily Go!

time to share this moment and celebrate PoVa's special day and Cecily's success
Tonight her Blue Ribbon hangs in her bedroom and she gave it a pat, pat pat before she went to bed . She is so proud and so is her Mommy! We are seeing her progress every day. She is starting to string two and three word signs together more consistently and she is so happy when she gets her needs met because we are able to recognize what she is asking for! This week she signed, "Please Share Noah"... (love!) and gleefully raised both hands when I asked her to raise her hand if she had fun at school! She also signed
"I'm smart!" She loves her friends and loves to point out the birds, trees and leaves to Mommy on her special walks. Cecily is our amazing angel and we know she can do anything she sets her mind to!
Thank you to PoVa, my supportive family, and all of her amazing therapists, nurses and Doctors who work so hard to ensure Cecily meets her full potential.
Onwards and upwards!