And then Brien received a call that we had been half-expecting. His Dad's Mom was being moved to hospice. Our trip that was planned for the 3rd weekend of September would be called off in exchange for Brien hopping a red-eye to say his last goodbyes. Brien's Grandma is one of the most interesting ladies that I have ever met. I will not pretend to know her well but Brien's Mom used to speak of her highly and often. She was roomies with Nancy Regan and had an opinion and she didn't mind sharing it. She told me squarely that I couldn't call Cecily - Cecily Judy. The name is Judith my dear. :) I really loved her spunk and her sarcasm and her dry wit. I am sorry I was not able to accompany Brien on the trip but I needed to hold down the fort in CA. Our love and prayers are out to our relatives in VA as they care for Grandma.
There is no end to the change that is coming in our life. We are just trying to take each day as it comes and to ensure that we make time at the end of every day for family. Noah is thrilled to have his Daddy home. I am, too. You never know how much Daddy's do until they are gone... I like to complain and think that I "do it all"... but alas I don't because I am very exhausted from my solo time with the kiddos. It makes me all that more appreciative of my hubby and the effort he puts forth for our family.
This week will bring about a few more changes but we will just hold on and look forward. You never know what is around the corner. Onwards and upwards!