Cecily's sweet arrival home was upset by an unknown infection that we feared stemmed from her surgery but appears to be now unrelated and likely just a parting gift from our stay at the hospital! At lease we have a clean track record... we seem to always take our bags (and a few bugs) home with us just to keep things interesting!
The fear of getting readmitted rang in my head as Cecily wouldn't tolerate her feeds and continued to spike fevers (only to have them disappear) and then reappear with a vengeance. It is days like this where I wish to scream and shout and haved a good tantrum. (And I've learned how to have one from the best of the best!) But... I'm the Mommy so that is not going to happen - at least not while anyone is looking!
But through it all - the restless nights, the fevers, the wretching, the recovery from her surgery... Cecily continues to power on! In fact, she amazed us today and I'll just focus on this very big win! Cecily ate an entire popsicle today! Yes, the entire thing - from the top to the bottom. We think her sore throat and inability to tolerate her feeds has made her so hungry with discomfort that her nemesis - eating - seemed like no big deal today! We are so proud of her!
If it weren't for this surprise infection Cecily may not have discovered her ability to eat a cherry flavored popsicle. I just wish I had taken a picture... Her snow white skin against the cherry red pouty lips was a sweet sight!
So the motto for the day: it's popsicle possible! She also drank what I would estimate as 16 ounces of water! A first for sweet and stubborn Cecily!
Onwards and upwards!