Who is Cooley, LLP?
Cooley represents hundreds of clients in a wide range of industries from offices in nine major commercial markets. They are counselors, strategists and advocates for the foremost private and public companies. They have a legacy of representing companies bringing to market breakthrough products and technologies and frequently argue cases that fall in new areas of law, brought about by technological developments. Their business and litigation practice reaches across a broad array of dynamic industry sectors, including technology, life sciences, clean tech, real estate, financial services, retail and energy. With 650 attorneys throughout the U.S., Cooley has the range and expertise to serve companies of all sizes to seize opportunities in today's global marketplace.
Thank you Cooley, LLP for making the dreams of these children with special needs and their supportive families come true! It is not too late to become a holiday elf! Check out our list of deserving families and help make their holiday wish lists come true! Onwards and upwards!