The Doctors continue to be baffled by our little angel. We learned a few more things about Cecily - some good and some not so good - but all important pieces of information to help us be the best parents possible for our little cherub. On a very positive note, Cecily does not need brain surgery. This good news is what we will choose to hang onto this week. It looks like all surgeries are now on hold for the short-term until Cecily presents a few more piece of information to the Doctors.
We are in a "wait and see" mode which can be quite distracting. Our goal this week is to stop waiting and to remember to keep living. It is all to easy to say, "oh we'll do that once Cecily stabalizes..." or we are waiting for blah blah blah until we do that... Life is here today and tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. This reminder sits firmly in my mind tonight as a dear friend of our attends a funeral this evening for a friend of hers that died tragically at 32 in a car accident.
It is Sunday night and the list of things that I didn't accomplish stares squarely at me from my "to do" list. The old Rachel would have completed all tasks and would likely be folding the laundry and making lunches for tomorrow. The new and improved version is choosing to chill with sushi takeout, a beer, and a lovely cuddle from her adorable son as Cecily rests peacefully in her own bed.
This weekend brought many new and old faces into our world. One of my dear college roomates that taught me a lot about life and living is again in my life thanks to Facebook. We appreciate her generosity with Cecily's Closet and we are happy to have reconnected after too many years. This weekend also brought a long-overdue gathering with our next-door neighbors! We have lived in our house for almost four-years and this is the first time that we have socialized! They graciously hosted us and we had a lovely time. We hope the kids get get together more often. We also have some new techniques to try with Cecily to help aleviate her pain without medication.
As the weekend comes to a close we are hopeful for another week of firsts and another reason to celebrate life's little victories. Dadda this week... who knows what is next! Onwards and upwards!