Everything I learned about being a Mom I learned from my Mom, Cecily. My Mom is generous, honest, loyal and compassionate. She puts the needs of others, especially her children, above anything else. She gives with her heart first and never asks to receive. She will not ask for anything for herself. She prays for others and cares for others. She adopts people in life who don't have families and treats them like her own family. She is not selfish or hurtful. She appreciates people for what they bring to the table and she does not judge. She is patient. She is hard-working. She is a role model. She is my Mother!
She is a good Mom, a loving wife, a wonderful Grammy and a gift to our family. She cares for baby Cecily and Noah and she is fierce. (sometimes I think she may be too fierce!) She is a lioness and she is protective. She will stand up to anyone or anything that tries to hurt her family. She is an advocate for us and she always will be.
She is a nag - but a loving nag! She is always trying to keep us going in the right direction. She is a friend. She is what I hope I will be for my children when I am her age. She is young at heart and she enjoys a good time! She knows how to party (sometimes too well!)
I wish I could do more for my Mom. I wish I had known my Mom's Mom. I wish that I had appreciated my Mom and Dad more before having children. I wish that I had recognized all the sacrafices they both made for me while my sister and I were growing up. It wasn't until I became a Mom that I truly realized what it meant to be a Mom. I am grateful for Mother's Day so I can honor my Mom and tell her what she means to me. Thanks for setting the bar high and for pushing me forward every day.
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms! It is a hard job - but the best job! I wouldn't trade it for anything. Onwards and Upwards!