I don't surf. I don't skate. My clothes are sadly "Mom" clothes... and my idea of fun is sleep. I think I'm going to have to dust off the old surfboard and prove to Noah that Mommy is just as cool as Daddy...
I have to share this Noah story before I forget it. We read a Franklin book about going to the hospital. Ironically Noah picked it before he knew where we were actually going. (to the hospital for Cec). It was all about a little turtle who had to have a procedure. It talked about all the stuff that would happen from the check-in, to the wristband, the vital sign checks, the gown, x-rays etc. Sadly - Cecily has had a rough time so we spent the bulk of Monday at Radys. Noah, for the first time, witnessed some of the less than fun stuff that Cecily endures. I had the 3 kids and I was worried about keeping Cecily calm through the procedure and making sure Cason was ok. I knew Noah would be fine because he is truly an angel. Once Cecily was in her gown she needed X-rays... Noah seemed to have the process down because we had just read the book and he liked knowing what was going to happen next. He had to take Cason and sit in a separate area during the x-rays. Cason started to cry. Noah started to sing to him... the Radiologist, Technician, Nurse and I could hear his audio... and it was sweet as pie. He then grabbed Cason's bottle and fed him. (all on his own). Cecily was pinned down with sandbags and I couldn't leave her for a second because she was screaming like a trapped animal. It is always horrible to see her strapped down and stresed out so I just tried to focus on Noah soothing Cason. I was grateful. The procedure took longer than I expected and before long Cason had stopped crying and the sweet song from Noah came to a stop. I heard him talking but couldn't make out the words. When the procedure was over and Cecily was calm we brought the boys back into the room so we could get Cecily cleaned up. Everyone was talking about the results and it was noisy. Noah interupted the team...
"Excuse me. I just put the baby to bed and you need to be quiet. Shhh... he is sleeping!"
I think you could have heard a pin drop after this statement from the bold, brave, babysitter. I looked at Noah and smiled. I know him well enough not to make a fuss or say how cute he is. It would only upset him and make him feel uncomfortable. But I also knew that later that night I could cuddle him and tell him how proud I was for how well he handled the less than fun-day at the hospital and how wonderfully he cared for his brother. He is ready for Kindergarten. Heck... he is ready for college. I often feel bad that he has grown up faster than I would like but he has grown up with compasion and a heart that gives. He is sweet and I need to remember this when he acts like a typical five-year old... whining, refusing to eat his dinner, leaving a trail of toys and clothes in his wake or my personal favorite...leaving his sharp metal beyblades everywhere so I step on them in the middle of the night while I dance between Cecily and Cason's cribs...
Onwards and upwards!