Today Cecily's Closet recycled 20+ pieces of medical equipment and about 35 stuffed animals. this breaks down to 9 gait trainers/walkers, 2 wheel chairs, 1 trike, 6 canes, and 1 set of hip huggers! In the last 6 weeks we've recycled a staggering 50 pieces of equipment and we're so excited about this burst of energy. It is a labor of love - and I do mean labor! I know a lot of people think Cecily's Closet is bigger than it really is! We're happy about this but at the end of the day the equipment recycling is heavily dependent on Brien or me slugging medical equipment around town - to and from storage - every week to ensure that this equipment finds a good home. I have to admit - it is not my favorite activity! But when you get emails and calls from parents that are thrilled from head to toe that their child finally has the equipment they need we know we're doing something right! If you wish to help us with this manual program we welcome you with open arms! It is not as flashy as the room makeovers but the impacts are huge! One family is sleeping through the night now versus having to wake every 2 hours to turn their lovely baby thanks to a pressurized mattress. Another family is able to bathe their child more easily thanks to a roll-in bath chair. We have countless stories just like these and I'm going to make it my mission to do a better job of sharing them because this program does make a difference for children with disabilities in San Diego.
Our sweet little Cecily inspires us to keep on trucking! With every step she makes forward in her new purple high-tops... (yes, had to plug the adorable new shoes!) we will be right there cheering her along. And we know that by helping others just like Cecily - and other Moms and Dads just like us - that we're doing our tiny part to make our community stronger.
Onwards and upwards!