and help our cause. We are touched to have such a dedicated crew that includes volunteers of all ages - from Girl Scouts, to teens to our wise seniors! We have sewers and artists, painters and organizers, handy men and handy woman and passionate souls who give and give and never expect a penny in return. Our volunteers are the heart and soul of Cecily's Closet. Thank you to our community for reaching into their hearts and their closets to give back.
When Brien and I decided to found this little organization we never dreamed it would take off. We were just passionate about putting some of our free time into altruistic efforts and to try and make life a little better for the kiddos who are born with special needs. Cecily changed our lives for the better and every day she reminds us to respect the gifts we are given and to try and be positive and see the good in any situation. Cecily smiles through pain and works so hard to do the little things we all take for granted - like eating, sleeping, walking, talking, getting dressed and communicating. We get joy of showing the potential all children with special needs possess and their unique abilities - versus the more readily seen disabilities. We hope with every makeover, gift, belly band, and recycled piece of equipement that we're spreading a positive message and giving families a boost! We are so grateful for everyone who has supported our efforts and joined us to ensure our mission is achieved.
In two years together we have completed the following:
- 22 room makeovers with 2 more currently in progress
- Provided just shy of a hundred belly bands to children with feeding tubes
- Recycled durable medical equipment to children in need of resources to help them achieve their goals
- Provided Christmas baskets to 80+ children with special needs and their families
- And shared various donations with families in need - toys, books, and lots and lots of love and encouragement!
There are so many people to thank and we are afraid if we make a list that we'lll omit someone who was vital to our efforts and risk offending them by name. We would be nothing without our passionate volunteers that work long hours to ensure our programs keep on trucking! We are so grateful to our corporate donors that provided us the necessary funding to achieve our goals. Thank you Websense for starting it all and giving us the encouragement and funding to make it happen! Thank you to UPS for not only providing us with two amazing grants, but for getting hands-on and hosting a fundraiser in our honor and helping to make an amazing room for a sweet little angel! Thank you to PaintGreen and Inside Emily Dolton's Head and all of the amazing artists who have given to our cause. Thank you to Beach Bungalow Designs for all the beautiful bedding and the generous donations to our organization! Thank you to San Diego Family Magazine for putting us on the cover of the 2011 Flourishing Families Guide and for the follow-up article in the 2012 Guide. The media coverage it provided led to donations of time, talent and funds! We have amazing partners and hard-working, dedicated volunteers! We can say it is truly a pleasure to work with each and everyone of you. Thank you for believing in us!
And a special thank you to my Mom, Dad, husband and sister Anita for believing in the organization and giving and giving and giving to help us follow our hearts and dreams. We know at times we bit off more than we should have (yes... many times...) but you were always there to help us see our mission through. It is because of our family that we can run Cecily's Closet.
Thanks for believing! Let's see what we can do in 2012!
Onwards and upwards!