It has been a joy to celebrate your growth and development - and to cherish each milestone. With Noah, we took it all for granted. With Cecily, we prayed for each milestone to come. With you, it seems so effortless but we do not take it for granted. We are so proud of you and we celebrate every milestone and every moment. We can see that even at such a young age you have a gentle soul like Noah, the spunk and sass of Cecily, the calmness and smarts of your Daddy and a big, soft heart like your Mommy. Your eyes twinkle with the brightest of lights and we love to hear you say Noah Poah! Your chanting and baby antics keep us laughing as you demand attention - in a home full of children that demand attention!
We love that you love to dance and that you'll shake your bootie for anyone that sings..."Cason's a cutie shake your bootie!"... Yes, this little ditty may haunt you but for me it is pure delight. You can bring a smile to anyone's face - but my favorite is to see you make Noah giggle and Cecily smile. I am not sure how you do it... I do backflips for smiles from Cecily and you just crawl or toddle into the room and she is flashing her teeth and can't wait to grab you for a pat, pat, pat! You can make fart sounds and send Noah into a laughing fit... You are all boy!
Noah's enthusiasm for you continues to surprise me. With 3 kids and two that require 100% supervision there is not as much time for soccer in the grass, or skating in the street - but there is no resentment. Every morning it is the same question, "Is Cason up?"... "Can I get in the crib with Cason?"... "Can Cason play?"... "Can I have my bath with Cason?"... "Can I share my dinner with Cason?"...I love it! It is a joy to see you love on your brother and sister and for them to love on you! You have opened doors for everyone that I didn't know could be opened. Cecily is watching you and learning every day. It is wonderful to see the magic of your non-verbal communication. I wish I could video it for the world to see the power of the unspoken word. I know you are sharing secrets and stories - I can see it!
I can't believe how big you are getting! I am happy and I am sad. You are my baby and I want to keep you small and tiny and with me forever... but I love to see you blossom every day. I look to see you explore your world and your voice. I love to see you eat and enjoy your food - all of it! It is a pleasure to feed you!
When people ask us how we do it with three kids - we laugh. We are tired. We are insanely busy. We are making mistakes right, left and center. We forget things...lots of things... but one thing is true: we LOVE our kids. We can't imagine life without Cason. He has completed our family in a way that we can feel but can't quite describe. It wasn't that something was missing before... it is that he has filled us with a renewed spirit for life, living and having fun! He has inspired us as parents and I am 100% confident that he is a big reason why Cecily has made such developmental progress over the last few months. He has provided Grammy & Grandpa with a very busy retirement! (What retirement? haha!) And for the record I credit the love and devotion they have for all of our children with the reason they are all progressing on their own special paths
I wish that everyone could have a baby Cason. I could go on... but I always do! You are our angel baby. Thank you for resetting our course and keeping us on the happy path. You are a remarkable little guy and we see only big dreams ahead for you!
Onwards & Upwards!