Pinkie, (the adorable roller-skating dog pictured above) was a gift created and named by her adoring brother, Noah. He made it for Cecily at Build-a-Bear and he picked out everything himself, including the roller-skates and pink puppy house in the back. Cecily immediately grabbed the leash and I have to say she is quite fond of our new, furry, pet. Noah was so excited to give it to her and I love knowing that he made it special for her!
It has been such a wonderful week for our family. Cecily has been talking up a storm and we do mean talking... "Hello"... "I love you"... "hi and Noah" - along with a whole lotta jibber jabber that she is quite excited about. Today while driving down to Grammy's house I told Cecily and Noah we'd have a singing competition. I decided to have Cecily go first. After a lot of prompting and a lot of waiting she remained silent. I called it a forfeit and moved on to Noah. Noah came up with a cute little tune and was rudely cut off by his sister upping the ante! She decided to string together some la la la's and some bababa's with some attitude. When it was my turn she decided to start squealing with the la la la's and Noah declared her the winner. (she was definitely the loudest).
A year ago Cecily was discharged from the hospital around her birthday. She was in so much pain. We didn't know what to expect for her second year of life. Would she be in the hospital more? Would her feeding issues be resovled? Would she speak? Sit? Walk? Fast forward to now and it is hard to believe how much she has overcome in one year. She is a reminder every day to believe in the people you love. It is so much easier to believe than to worry, second-guess or underestimate. Just this week Cecily increased her vocabulary, reached her feed rate goal, took a bolus feed through her g-tube, stood for over five minutes while playing with a new toy and gave us some serious attitude that requires some serious cognition! Plus, she is picking up real food and putting it in her mouth! In fact, she is putting everything in her mouth.
We are so proud of our little princess. We are just as proud of her brother. They love each other so much and seeing their affection, their funny glances and their embraces just makes us excited for tomorrow and beyond. Together they inspire us to be not just better parents, but to be better people.
Thank you to our family and friends for supporting us and for helping to make Cecily's birthday such a magical day. A special thank you to my husband Brien for always believing in me and for accepting me and my antics. Onwards and upwards!