Preschool and Specil Ed Parents!Take Action!
Help eliminate multiple evaluations
Dear Friends,
Parents of school-age and preschool children with developmental disabilities are all too familiar with what might be called the evaluation shuffle – multiple, duplicate evaluations by schools, children’s services, regional centers, and health and mental health agencies.
Now we have a chance to consolidate all the evaluations into one.
The Arc and United Cerebral Palsy of California are sponsoring a bill to develop a single evaluation instrument or process that all the agencies can use. The key will be that the single assessment will take place at one time and one place each year.
Can you take about 60 seconds to send one email to support Senate Bill 472 by Senator Lou Correa?
We don’t usually ask you to send one of these point-and-click advocacy emails, because they’re worthless at best unless we can generate hundreds to the right person at the right time. I think we can do it this time.
The hearing will be next Tuesday, April 26, so there’s no time to waste. Please send your email today. Just click on "Take Action" on the upper right corner of this Action Alert, fill in the blanks, and off your message goes to Joy Traylor, the Senate Human Services Committee staff assistant, who will be sure your message is counted.
And then , please forward this Action Alert to any family members or anyone else who you can ask to take this easy but possibly very useful step.
And thank you for your advocacy.
Greg deGiere
Public Policy Director
The Arc and United Cerebral Palsy in California
1225 Eighth Street, Suite 350
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-552-6619, ext. 16
916-223-7319 (mobile)
916-441-3494 (fax)