Noah looks like his Daddy. Noah acts like his Daddy. They find the same things amusing and they crack each other up. It is like we created a side-kick for Daddy. And he walks just like him, too. This is funny because Daddy has a very distinctive walk... and those of you that know him know exactly what I'm talking about. So now... the two have the same shoes to complete the look. Noah insisted on wearing these shoes today once he saw what Daddy was wearing. Then he proceeded to point out to anyone that would listen that they were in fact - just like his Daddy's.
I find this very cute and very fun... but now that he is into video games (oh yes... because of Daddy) and surfing (oh yes... because of Daddy) and going in the truck (because Mommy gets lost in the van...) I find myself holding onto his hand and squeezing just a little bit longer before he wriggles to let go. I want him to be a baby for longer. Look at his foot size! He is just four years old and he already looks and acts like my little man He even whines just like his Daddy...
But at the end of the day I wouldn't want it any other way. I fall in love with Brien all over again when I see him be the goofy guy I fell in love with to get a smile from Noah. Onwards and upwards!