We are thrilled to be able to offer these fabric wraps FREE to families in San Diego thanks to funding from our favorite AND only shipper, UPS. (Why use anyone else?) Yes, shameless support but you would adore them too if you knew the wonderful women that worked at MBE and that supported Cecily's Closet. They are a wonderful group of women and they are angels to us. We are especially grateful to Beverly this week for the insane amount of belly bands she made to keep our operation running!
So what is a belly band? Why do we make them? How do we make them?
Cecily’s Closet takes denim and very soft flannel or cotton fabric that is designed to wrap around a child's tummy and protect their feeding tubes. The wraps are designed to protect the Mickey Button or PEG tube that is inserted into a child’s abdomen for the purpose of feeding. Our wraps work for gastric feeding tube (aka g-tubes), jejunal feeding tubes (aka j-tubes) or those wonderful kids that have both... like our precious Cecily! These simple, fabric wraps enable a child to safely proceed with physical therapy because they protect the site from rubbing. They offer parents peace of mind by preventing the child from grabbing the tube site and reduce the risk of the tube being dislodged during play, sleep or while the tube is not in use. We find they also work great if you leave a feeding tube connected. You can simply tuck the tube into the wrap when not in use for ease of access for quick venting.
Our motto is comfy for kids; priceless for parents; and FREE to anyone in San Diego that asks. For families outside of San Diego, we encourage a nominal $15.00 donation to cover fabric and shipping costs. We have shipped belly bands around the world - Europe, North America, Mexico, Australia and more! Who knew one little girl could inspire so much love!
If you are interested in wrapping your little tubie child with love, please complete our online form and someone will follow-up with you! You can make your in-kind donation here for families outside of San Diego. Belly bands typically take 2 weeks from confirmed request to shipping.
Looking for something fancier? For anyone considering the procedure! Check out Benik! They produce professional bands to protect your
child's g-tube. http://www.benik.com/peds/wrap/g-tube
We've included some pictures of the adorable wraps below!
Onwards and upwards!