It was picture day for the Dance & Company Performing Arts Studio Summer Production. And yes... Cecily will be performing with her friends from her Dance with Me class in just a few short weeks!
Is this a dream come true? Most definitely. I have very fond memories of traveling around with my family and friends attending Irish step dancing competitions. I used to love getting dressed up and I remember the excitement of the productions and competitions. When I reminisce on my childhood these events rank high on my list of cherished memories. I still can't believe Cecily will have the opportunity to dance in a show and enjoy all of these fun times! To think that 17 months ago she was not even walking and now she is dancing... and performing.. in full costume - is nothing short of a miracle.
Will she have the dance routine memorized? Not even close. Will she cry? Perhaps. But will she get up on stage and smile and wave and likely twirl in her pretty tutu - most definitely. The gift of Cecily is she takes joy in the things most everyone takes for granted. But when Cecily laughs, giggles or smiles - it is the purest form of happiness. I wish I could say every day was full of happiness for her - but it is not. She has a rougher road than most but she is so tough - so strong - and so stubborn that we are so excited to see what she will do next!
Today I was just so proud of her. I'm not one to brag about my kids - unless you are in the family. (Then lookout... I may bend an ear or two ... :) But today...there were no words. I wanted to scream, "look at Cecily - look at her go! Look at this child that they never thought would walk, or talk, or eat... never mind dance!" Cecily has been making such strides of late. She is using new words every day. She walks the halls shouting Noah... Noah... Cason... Cason. She correctly uses names for the people she loves - Grandpa, Grandma, Flashy, Mommy and Daddy. She says dancing or skating or swim or pool. She can now speak in sentences and repeat words in the Bob books on demand. She knows what she wants and she now uses her words to share her desires. She knows what she does not want and she uses those words - in an even higher volume - to tell us what she does not want to do...
And because of this...I was dreading getting her into the costume today. I was ready for World War 3. Cecily loves to dress up ... but only on her terms, her timing, and if she is in the mood. With an 8:30 am call time I wasn't sure how it would go... but she happily got dressed, let me brush her hair and she giggled when I put a tiny amount of blush on her cheeks. We dared to try some lip gloss but decided that she looked perfect just as she was and we didn't want to push our luck.
Cecily was so social today - waving at the other kiddos and embracing her dancing buddies - Grace, Mickey and Ella. She enjoyed the entire process and I will not forget this day - ever. So proud of our angel. She even stood and sat for the professional photos with only a minor cry/hesitation.
Cecily is a constant reminder to reach for your dreams, to try harder, to never give up and to believe in miracles. Life has been a challenge of late but on days like today everything seems to be coming up roses!
Thank you to Dance & Company for creating the Dance with Me class. it is a gift. It is a dream come true. It is priceless and we love you Miss Katie & Miss Lisa. (And we love our teacher Miss Tyler, too!)
Despite the blurry photo this is one of my most favorite pictures of Miss Cecily. As she waited for the professional photographer she started dancing and swing her little legs at the ballet barre. She just loves to dance!
Onwards and upwards!