My Mommy radar was very off on this visit. I thought for sure we'd come by, see old friends, get rehydrated and recharged and be on our merry way. The doctors had other plans for Cecily. I can't say this has been an easy stay because that would be a lie... but we have learned a lot about Cecily and the information continues to develop with each test result. She is happily resting and despite all the poking, prodding, scanning, testing, and everything in between, Cecily remains happy. This is priceless as we arrived here because she was quite the opposite.
The good news of the day is Cecily is NOT having any seizures! This is amazing and quite remarkable news given some of the new movements our angel has been testing out on her adorable little body. With care from Dr. Kling, Cecily's first-rate, caring and nurturing surgeon, and from Dr. Haas, a world renowned doctor, we can leave here (hopefully tomorrow) knowing that every nook and cranny of Cecily has been checked out! The GI team is just wrapping up on her tummy troubles and she'll be all set - good as new - and ready for her next adventure.
We miss our little Noah and Daddy. It feels like we've been here forever but when Cecily is not feeling well there is no better place for her to be. We are grateful for all of the support. We are grateful that we will get to leave here. We are sorry for all the children that will remain and for those that will not get to go home. It is a constant reminder to be grateful. To live each day to the fullest. To relish the joys and breeze over the silly things because at the end of the day they really don't matter.
Time to place our order for dinner... I could get used to this room service stuff...Onwards and upwards!