Cecily is a girl on the go! In addition to her horse lessons, she had two swimming lessons that were equally victorious. She just learned to submerge and did about 7-8 or submersions today in the water. She can do it! She was so proud and so pleased with herself. She works so hard and to see her smiling with the knowledge that she DID it - is priceless. She always looks up to see who is watching her - eagerly awaiting a smile, a clap or a cheer!
I just wish that these moments could last forever. Unfortunately, Cecily's feeding challenges continue. She is not tolerating her bolus feeds and she has vomited a few times this week. The questions outweigh the answers but we are not giving up. We have seen glimpses of what a tear-free day can be and we will get there. If anyone has suggestions for Cecily we are all ears. We are considering taking her to CHOC or UCLA for more opinions. We just know life should not have to be this hard for her. We won't accept that "an unknown genetic syndrome" is causing her pain.
I picked up Noah from school today and he informed me that his friend's baby was already walking. I knew what was coming... "How come Cecily is still not walking Mom?" Cameron's baby is walking. I told Noah that she was working very hard and that if we keep working with her - she will walk, too. I said I know she can do it! We just need to be patient and she will do it when she is ready. Fast forward to dinner. "How come Cecily can't eat?" This is a more frequent question these days. He understands that she has GERD but tonight he wanted to know why she had so many teeth...
"Mom, with that many teeth she should be eating..."
I smiled.
And then as if on demand, Cecily lifted the apple to her lips and put it in her mouth. Noah cheered! That's my angel. "Mom, she is doing it!" "She put it in her mouth and she is moving it around!" He was so proud. He told Cecily, " That's a good girl Cecily. You're a good baby."
I could have cried but that would have confused Noah.
Cecily continued to put carrots in her mouth and move them around. She didn't chew but she explored and that is a step in the right direction.
Noah was thrilled. "She can do it Mom." Now it was Noah's turn to reassure me. I love that kid. I love both my kids. It was a perfect end to a rough day.
Onwards and upwards!