energy from Noah while looking frantically around for a share toy (cringe) and a coffee cup (dirty) only to find out that we are fresh out of coffee! (And yes, you're not supposed to have coffee while nursing but I'm not a saint and I need coffee if I've got a chance at getting all three monkeys (aka our angels) into the car by 7:40am in order to start the morning parade...)
Prior to making it into the car, in my frantic state, I spilled six precious ounces of breast milk... and while this is such a silly thing to get upset about in the grand scheme of life (or even a not so grand morning) my sleep deprived body let me inch out a tiny scream and an exacerbated cry. Then I hear a thunder of tiny footsteps... in flies Noah with a sign of worry and then before I realize what he is doing he is in the bathroom grabbing a towel and wiping up the milk. He may be the most energetic little guy in the am bouncing off the walls and refusing to put on his socks but he is a little saint! He tells me not to worry and then smiles and asks when it will finally be Mother's Day because he has made me something very special. He even ran off with the dirty towel and put it in the laundry by himself! Coffee disaster averted. I can move on wtih my day as it provided me with more energy and a renewed hope that today will be a wonderful day.
Onwards and upwards!