And now for some Noah-isms that I just had to capture. While Cecily slept on Sunday Noah and I made holiday cookies. For those of you that know me - you know I hate to be in the kitchen for any reason at all. I am not very talented - scratch - I have zero talent in the kitchen. When Grammy asked Noah if he wanted her to make the cupcakes for his birthday party Noah paused and said, "hmm... my Mommy just buys those things."
So today I had to laugh when Noah's buddy Max came by to drop off some yummy holiday cookies.
Noah said to me, "but Mom, we already made cookies for Santa."
I said, "Yes, but now we have even more."
Noah's reply, " do you think his are burnt?"
Then we were driving to pick up some holiday presents for Cecily, while Cecily napped with Miss Kim, our wonderful, talented, caring nurse. I explained to Noah that Christmas is about giving and it was time to pick out something special for Cecily - as Cecily had already picked out his present with Mommy on Saturday.
He was very excited and replied, "I want another baby". This is a common theme in Noah's conversations and one I find very funny. I explained again - that we had a lovely family and that we were pretty busy right now and that another baby would take more time and even more money.
Noah replied, "I have some money. You can have it."
And perhaps my all-time favorite was after Noah's birthday party... we admittedly hid a lot of his presents. He had already been spoiled by his Grammy, Grampy, Grandpa Bob and his Aunts and Uncles. We decided to let him open about 4 - and put the rest away for a rainy day...
As he tore into the presents with delight, he ended up having 3 out of the 4 presents he opened. I thought for sure this would set off a full-fledge tantrum. I braced for whining, pouting and questions of how the large stack of presents had dramatically shrunk in the post-party clean-up.
Noah said, "Mom - I think we should give these to the poor children."
At that moment I wanted to run to my bedroom and grab ALL of the presents for him. He is a good kid and sometimes in the chaos of our lives I forget what a special boy he is! This week and these Noah-isms will stick with me. Forever.
And to show that he is indeed not 100% perfect... as we were shopping for Cecily I told Noah that the book he chose would cost him $5 dollars. He replied, "Five dollars! I'm not spending that! Let's use your money!"
We had a crazy week. We got some good news, some ok news and had a fair amount of ups and downs. But... all I remember is that Cecily ate her sweet potato, Noah said some darling things and oh yes - Cecily is sitting now unassisted! How's that for the first 12 days of December! Onwards and upwards!