We often joke that Cason was the best present we could have ever given Cecily. She just loves him to pieces. She could sit and play with him all day - and she LOVES to swing with him at the park. She was sitting next to him when we captured this moment. They are best friends!
Life is busy - too busy... but we're going to make an effort in 2013 to ensure that we take the time to enjoy the simple things - like the park, the cuddles, the kisses and the hugs. The kids are growing up so quickly and while I look forward to the days when diaper changes are a thing of the past... I will miss it, too. I just love my little monkeys and I can't quite believe we have 3 - all at various stages of development.
Cecily made so many strides in the past month. She is truly using her pretend play skills and exploring her environment in a profound way. She takes care of her 3 baby dolls - feeding them, mixing them food, giving them bottles and taking them for walks in her new, double-stroller. Grammy spoiled her at Christmas so she now has every doll accessory ever made... I am not sure who she bought these gifts for - big Cecily or little Cecily... but they are BOTH getting a kick out of them. Cecily is responding to all questions and she is babbling up a storm. She is using more words each day - like Mommy, Grammy, Grandpa, Noah, bebe (for baby), Elmo, Dumbo and more! It is a joy to hear the words pour out of her sweet lips. She is so proud when she communicates whether it be with her hands, her voice or her eyes. We love the power of two-way communication and since it has taken almost 4 years to get there...we appreciate it even more. It strengthens our belief to NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!
Cason is racing toward one and I just want to freeze him in time. He is hitting his milestones and we celebrate the wonder he has in everything. He observes everything and he is patient. Yes, patient. We are not sure where he gets it from... certainly not from Mommy or Daddy. He is so happy and peaceful. Yes, peaceful. This is another non-Ackerly trait... but we love it. He is our zen baby and he is teaching us the joy of just smilng and being still.
Noah on the other hand can't sit still for one second. We try to channel this energy into soccer, skating and kung-fu... but as anyone who knows him will attest the child is made of boundless energy. He keeps us running, jumping and hopping from 5am until we wrestle him into bed. He loves life and he is just a very happy kid. We take pride in this fact because it would be very easy for him to feel pushed aside by the little ones. Instead, he relishes his role as big brother and he enjoys being - the boss!
2013 will be a very exciting year! We've got lots of great plans for personal growth and new ideas for Cecily's Closet, too. We have expanded our team of volunteers, expanded our board of directors and we're completing our first makeover of 2013 on Jan. 19th for two precious boys! Life is good. Life is busy. But we are happy!
Keep Swinging...
Onwards and upwards!