There are a handful of people that have provided the energy, belief and positive support required to get an operation like Cecily's Closet off the ground. In a sea full of reasons NOT to do this now - there have been a few people that have embraced our desire to help a few families in San Diego and who have empowered us to make small changes that make BIG difference for other people. Kelly and her husband are two of those amazing people! We will be forever grateful for their individual support and for them rallying the support of others at their respective workplaces for Cecily's Closet.
And we also have a fabulous new addition to the Cecily's Closet crew. I would like to thank Gina for the time she has taken to sit down with us, brainstorm, reach into her contacts and help us take Cecily's Closet to the next level. We are looking forward to working with her this year because we know we need help and we're not too proud to ask for it! We are so excited about 2011! Life is busy. We know it won't be easy... but anything worth having is worth fighting for! We are committed to helping more families in 2011 and we are very grateful for the support we are receiving from family, friends and the community!
And on a personal note, Cecily is taking small steps towards standing. With each passing day she is putting her feet firmly on the ground and standing for almost two minutes! Noah is thrilled and can't wait for her to be able to chase him! She is fighting so hard to do this and it makes me realize how lucky I am to be able to walk, run, skip, jump and move. Seeing her fight and work so hard for the most basic of movements has convinced me that I must get back into shape and that I should not take my health for granted. I will be training for a very small race - a warm-up lap for most of my friends... but I am going to start small - with a 5K! for the Epilepsy Foundation. I will be posting more about this in the coming weeks. If you would like to join me, please do! I'd like to get in shape while raising awareness for Epilespy and the amazing children who live with this condition. Onwards and upwards!