I just picked up the mail and there was a big package. I thought Brien must have been doing his online shopping...(oh yes...) but alas it was a gift from my sister for the kids. She is a very doting Auntie! Noah loves his Auntie Neeta and Cecily will grow to love her in the same way. Cecily has a wardrobe full of dresses and jackets and shoes ranging from 0-3yrs... courtesy of her Auntie. Since she has two adorable boys - she enjoys spoling the only grandaugther in the family. And of course she knows that I love it, too! I feel less guilty dressing Cecily like a princess if the clothes come from someone else. (They have to get worn don't they?) The package today contained some cute tights for Cecily with flowers, patterns and stripes. As Cecily is my little doll it will be no surprise to those of you that know me that I quickly changed her to try on the new stuff! (Cecily is a willing participant) In fact, today at therapy Cecily was always trying to look in the mirror to check out her progress and her big toothy grin...) Does this remind anyone of someone in our family? Haha...
My sister sends this package when really we should be celebrating her. This is just another perfect example of how she is always thinking of others and putting them first. Noah is asleep but when he wakes up he will be so excited to see what Auntie Neeta sent him. In fact, I think Daddy will be excited to. I am sure they will be blowing up the volcano tonight...
I wish everyone could have a sister. I often take her for granted. I often scream at her when I am just angry or upset and she just listens. She knows I don't mean it. She understands me. I don't mean to hurt the preson who would protect me from anything. I guess I just know she is strong enough to take it and that she will love me no matter what. I hate it when I have these mini-outbreaks or meltdowns but I love having someone that allows me to rant and rave like a crazy lady when the days are long and hard and my "glass is half-full" attitude wavers from the optimistic, positive place where I strive to live.
I just want to say Thank You to my wonderful sister. She has been my guardian for as long as I can remember. She pushed me to be my best when I was in school and she continues to push me to be the best Mom, person, caregiver, that I can be. She is always sending ideas on how to grow the charity and she is our single largest contributor. She is passionate about her kids and my kids. She is a wonderful Godmother. She is a wonderful mother. She is a wonderful sister. I wish everyone could have a sister like her. But all I can say is she is taken... Onwards and upwards!