But dwelling on the vomit or worrying about what might be isn't going to change it so I'll choose try to focus on the best part of the day: watching Noah splash about in his inflatable swimming pool. Noah seems to be the best medicine for Cecily - and for me! He loved making her smile as he splashed about and pretended to fall over and over and over. I'm convinced he is part fish. He is definitely his Daddy's boy. He loves the water... and can't get enough of it!
We continue to be amazed at how Noah is handling everything. Yesterday and today, his hair-crazed sister grabbed two fists full of his shaggy blonde hair. She was squealing in delight and he was yelping in pain. (I can say this is very painful as I let her pull my hair because she gets so much joy out of it!) Instead of using his weight or size to make Cecily release his hair he shouted for Mommy and Daddy. When we came running he was just quite calmly telling Cecily to stop and that we didn't pull hair! "Cec... we don't pull hair. Be gentle"... then he leaned in (within danger of a repeat hair pulling performance) and said, "I'm coming in for a kissie! I love you Cec!" I am not making this up! Even Cecily's nurse has remarked at how sweet he is with Cecily!
This is what I'll choose to remember from today! Onwards and upwards!