Nap time followed! And when she awoke and was playing she decided to check it out again. Nope... still not interested. So I sat gazing at it and hoping that Noah might be able to make her excited about it. I tried once more to place her inside before picking him up. (I know she has to have the desire to do it... but I thought I'd just try once more.) She was willing so we tucked her dolls in the arm holes and played happily for about ten minutes. I was happy. She was happy. Success! It was time to pick up Noah.
We arrived at school and Noah was very eager to get home as we were going to the Del Mar Fair! I told him about Cecily's exciting day and he was very unexcited. He didn't care about the walker. He wanted a hot dog, lemondae, candy apples, popcorn, ice cream and to win a stuffed animal AND go on the rides. He had a long list of things to do... Then he saw IT...the bright, shiny, walker sitting in he playroom. He ran over and as I expected (and hoped!) he climbed in and wheeled around saying he was a baby and giggled. His giggle is not little and it is contagious. Cecily was hooked. Noah is her favorite person in the whole world and she WANTED to play with him and the walker. She crawled over and watched him move about. She laughed and smiled. It was her turn! And just like that she let me place her inside... only this time I strapped her in and she took off. 1...2...3.... and how I wish I had taped it. But perhaps the tape in my mind is the best kind... only it can't be shared with Daddy. Her face lit up with excitement, fear, pride and delight. I could see her confusion as her feet touched the floor and she startled as it moved. Then a very slow smile crept over her face. She squealed when she realized she had moved. Noah ran out of the way but not before she clipped him and he fell into the couch. He thought that was very funny. She thought it was grand. I decied this was a very good first experience and lifted her out. I want the association to be happy and this was definitely a happy memory.
We celebrated the perfect day at the fair! It was the perfect end to a very magical day. To see a child's face light up, to see Cecily take her first "walker steps" and to see Noah cheer her on is truly the best present. We are so lucky to have these kids and to witness this relationship. We are lucky!
So now I am looking at it (the walker) and deciding how I can make it cute for Cecily. She likes sparkles and and beads and flashing lights. This pacer is getting a makeover! I know it will take a while to adapt to the new wheels... but they are here and we welcome them into our world. Let's bumper the walls, watch our toes and let Cecily wheel into her next phase of growth and development! Onwards and upwards!