My Mom can often be overheard saying, "Just get on with it..." and I think if baby Cecily could speak she would echo the voice of her beloved Grammy. They both face down some tough obstacles but they always seem to find the rosy side of things. It is not easy to do... but there is really no better way to live! Who wants ot sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop? Life is short and today my Mom reminded me that you've got to make the most of every day - they are all gifts. She refuses to have any limits placed on her or her grandaugther. I would rather be guilty of optimism than of not believing in my child. Grammy feels the same way, too.
Today's visit left us a little stressed and confused... but also feeling very grateful. I can't step one foot into Rady Children's Hospital without feeling so grateful for what I have. Despite leaving with a new piece of equipment for Cecily - a heart monitor - I was ABLE to leave with Cecily. She is not staying in the hospital. She is not in immediate pain. She is still a happy-go-lucky little lady that just happens to have a few designer black bags to carry her necessary "stuff." In the scheme of things this is not a big deal. We will all muscle through. As I type this she is happily resting in her crib without a single sign of distress. Victory!
And Grammy is out enjoying herself with my supportive sister and her family. She may not feel well but she is not going to miss a chance to see her grandkids and enjoy the company of her children.
Tough cookies indeed! Onwards and upwards!